Moosestuck Act 4 Part 2: Back from the Future

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Time to finish up Act 4! Lots and lots happens, including our first real experience with doomed timelines and Dave's time shenanigans! Also the first time Homestuck made me cry.Find Moosie on ItchThere is a transcript for this episode that I have not went through and fixed, but I'm currently of the opinion that something is better than nothing. Support the showEdited and music by DomiWebsiteNewsletterKo-fiDiscordTwitterYoutubeTumblrDomi's SoundcloudDomi's Ko-FiThe Unofficial Homsetuck CollectionFanstuck/Problematic Faves Submission FormStart your own podcast!

Jackie: Hi and welcome back to
Live Laugh Stuck. This is Jackie

, aka Jax, and I'm here once
again with Moosey to talk about

Act 4, Part 2. Hi, Moosey how
are you doing? I'm alright. How

are you doing? I'm sad because
the end of Act 4 makes me sad.

Also, i'm just feeling like I
stopped Part 1 too early. I

thought it was a good place, and
then I'm like, jesus Christ,

there's so much.

Moosie: In the second part,
though, Yeah, I had a lot of

pages of notes just from all the
information given.

Jackie: in the second part we
read Yeah, i feel like maybe I

should have stopped it. I forgot
that there was a recap in the

middle of it. Maybe that would
have been a good stopping spot.

I feel like I don't know. It's
hard to tell what a good

stopping spot is, but you said
that you had your own summary

for Act 4.

Moosie: Oh, not so much. I was
mostly just reading through the

Andrew Hussie recap and the
Grafename recap. I'm not sure

how I would even describe
everything that happens, because

there's so much and different
timelines and stuff.

Jackie: Yeah, it does get tricky
. So where we left off before

was starting a lot of things
into motion. The first when you

came back to Act 4, the first
thing was the future Dave. it

wasn't Dave Ascend, it was
something like that.

Moosie: Yeah, it was after John
went through the portal and

proceeded to die, but that was
offscreen. So then you're just

reading Dave and Rose hanging
out four months later and

eventually realize they're in a
bad timeline and Dave goes back

in time.

Jackie: Yeah, our first real
situation with time shenanigans

and alternate timelines. How was
that? How was your first

experience with time shenanigans

Moosie: Well, i was confused at
first, so I understood. Dave

went back in time When I was
reading the recap. It said that

Rose got some of the memories
from Dream Rose in the doomed

timeline and I did not pick up
on that at all. There were a lot

of things that I didn't pick up
on that I was reading through

the recaps. I was like, oh,
that's what happened. I did not

know that.

Jackie: Yeah, a lot of stuff
gets shoved into it and a lot of

it tends to be pretty subtle.
So it was like doomed timeline

Rose's hope that, whatever that
if she would, she would be able

to merge with alpha timeline
Rose in some way.

Moosie: Then Dave doomed future.
Dave went back in time and

prototyped himself as Dave's
kernel sprite, convinced John

not to go into the seventh gate
or eighth gate or something. We

went to the second gate instead,
where Rose is. At Rose There

was a dream Rose hanging out
trying to wake up dream Dave,

there was meow, meow, meow, meow
, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow,

which is an important plot point
. Extremely, there's a bunch of

different bunnies that seem like
the same bunny, but maybe

different timelines of bunny and
the trolls doing stuff which I

don't quite understand. Why.
What was their name? I don't

remember their names, why one of
them wanted to have Dave go

kill himself, or if they were
just messing around. Where was

that one? Well, you know when.
Sorry, i mean John, to go with

the going in the wrong gate
thing, i think that was just

trolling of hot.

Jackie: Let's see if this idiot
will do it. But because she has

access to, like, the whole
timeline and the alpha timeline,

he doesn't do it.

Moosie: So it was just like a
thing that wasn't going to

happen, but then did actually
happen, you know, yeah, and I

can't help but wonder is this
doomed timeline going to come

back to bite them in some way,
or if it's just, it's done, it's

the terminating part of that
one. You don't have to worry

about that timeline anymore,
yeah. And then a bunch of the

guardians go into a portal and
go to a lab. Yeah, I don't

really know why everyone's going
to the lab, but everyone shows

up at the lab at some point or

Jackie: Yeah, they got to drop
off all those things for the

kids to be sent back with.

Moosie: Yeah, which is another
thing I'm wondering about is how

much do the Guardians know
about what's going on? When did

they find out what was going on?
Because the kids don't know

about the medium and the
insipisphere until they start

the game, but do the Guardians
know about it ahead of time?

Jackie: Yeah, it's real
interesting because you know,

rose's mom has that lab that
seems a lot of like, really

similar to a lot of the lab
stuff on the meteors. And then,

yeah, all the Guardians seemed
very well prepared to deal with

what was going on in the medium.
Somehow, jade's grandpa just

has this huge fucking boat.

Moosie: And they are. I guess
it's technically is the entire

world, the insipisphere, like
the entire game world versus

Earth, like where they're
currently in. That's what I

thought it was with, like the
planets inside of it or

something I think so I have a
hard time remembering the

greater classifications of
things Like what's in what Like

how did the parents get there?
Because the kids had to go

through the video game.

Jackie: Well, the game is
transported their houses and,

besides Jade's grandpa, all the
Guardians were like in the house


Moosie: OK. So yeah, I was
wondering, like how did they get

there? and they just are
sailing around on a ship.

Jackie: Yeah, jade's grandpa is
the most mysterious of the bunch

because in the timeline Jade is
in, he's dead.

Moosie: Then there's the
Charipatians and there are war

going on between the Black and
the White Queen or kingdoms. A

ring is stolen from our person.
The PM, jack Moore, is killing

things and trying to take over
the world and destroy it or

something, and that apparently
launches or creates the start of

the reckoning Yep, yep, yep,
Jack goes and fuck shit up. And

then I also saw something called
the Rift reference, and I don't

know if that's the same thing
as the reckoning or a different


Jackie: We don't know that yet.

Moosie: OK, all right So then,
yeah, for some reason, all of

the parents or Guardians go to
the lab. John somehow goes to

the lab. I don't know how he
knows to start messing around

with the lab equipment, but he
happens to like clone all of the

Guardians And then that makes
more clones by combining the

Guardians, which I also didn't
understand. What was. That was

what was going on when I was
reading it originally. A lot of

people don't their first time
reading Yeah like I, reading

through the recap, is like wait,
those are the OK, two babies

per couple of them and grow plus
mom equals these two babies and

Nana plus grandpa equal these
two, these two babies. And then

everyone gets shipped off on
meteors. Yeah, that was a whole

thing. Dad gave mom a scarf back
. I don't know if that was

important at all. And then AR is
just flying in the veil and

also sees well, a temple goes in
there. Why is he just flying in

the veil? I don't know.

Jackie: What are you supposed to
do when you see a sweet like

fucking flying boogie board?

Moosie: I guess Incidentally
flying around. And then there

was some backstory with the
Guardians and then this weird

time capsule flower. Where did
the time capsule flower come

from? Sorry, i'm just like
literally scrolling through

really fast to try to recap like
what's going on.

Jackie: No, you're good. There's
a lot of moving pieces.

Moosie: John finally gets his
package. It's from Jade and a

pin pal And also there's a robot
bunny. Why is there a robot

bunny? Who is the pin pal? I
assume we haven't figured out

who the pin pal is yet. Correct,
And I think that's the most of

it. Prospects moon gets severed
and it falls to the sky and Jade

dream Jade buys. Dream John is
awake And then the carrot the

Paceans are doing stuff on earth
after the meteor apocalypse,

which the meteor apocalypse was
also portals on sky as a defense

mechanisms that the meteors
were all because of the

reckoning And I'm not sure about
the timelines.

Jackie: Yeah, it's all pretty
convoluted, timeline wise, which

reminds me there is a someone
did put together, homestuck but

chronological, that I started
reading through a while ago. I

need to go back to that because
just wild seeing how because

like even the last like section
like after act four technically

ends before act five starts,
where we see a lot of that is

just like jumping around in the
timeline like already That's,

that's a lot of it. If I can
dream Jade dying and then leave

it and then like John waking up
as she dies and she dies to save

him and then reading the letter
of how she can't wait to hang

out with him always gets me.
Every time it's our first like

onscreen kid death because we
have like John die offscreen and

presumably Jade die offscreen,
yeah, but this time we see it,

and I'm also confused about the
different versions of the kids.

Yeah, that's fair. This is when
the awake and dream selves

really start intermingling more,
i guess. I mean even I mean

they're not even really
intermingling but like because

before we kind of saw, you know,
jade, and then more recently

Dave and Rose, like on the moons
of Prospect and Durst, just

kind of hanging out and not
super interacting with a lot.

But yeah, now we see John
interacting with, like parcel

mistress, with PM, and yeah,
it's just. there's just two

versions. They just have two
versions of themselves right now


Moosie: So my question is since
they're, let's say, like the

incephalosphere is the universe
or something, and the medium is

in there and prospects in there,
basically where they're at now

is just not Earth. That is in
the incephalosphere, right.

Jackie: Yeah, again, i can't
remember if the incephalosphere

also includes Earth in it,
because the meteors do get

transported to Earth.

Moosie: The description says
something like the

incephalosphere is like a solar
system of the game session world


Jackie: Okay, that's right.

Moosie: So it contains Skyya,
prospect, durst, the Vale, the

medium, and then there's the
infinite void or something at

the end of it, or something.

Jackie: The furthest ring, I
think, is what that references.

Moosie: So then my question is
if the kids awake forms are in

the medium or like around there,
can they interact with their

dream forms which were like on
the moons and stuff?

Jackie: Theoretically, i mean,
they're all in the same, all in

the same place.

Moosie: I'm pretty sure I was
wondering about that And also

just like are the Earth kids the
real kids or the dream kids the

real kids? I mean, what do?

Jackie: you find as what do you
define as the real kids? I don't

know, because it seems like
everything is.

Moosie: It seems like the
incephalosphere is kind of like

the real world in a way, based
on the story, and then Earth was

just like the kids are trapped
on Earth and they don't know

anything about the rest of the
world. But I also don't know how

much the game kind of symbology
carries through Like is it

literally just a video game,

Jackie: I think this gets
explored later. But or explored

more later. But like kind of the
vibe is, is that, yeah, the

incephalosphere is just
literally the video game world.

It's just the video game world
and the real world aren't as

separate as thought.

Moosie: Ok, so they're all in
the matrix, Oh kind of maybe

Yeah, kind of maybe.

Jackie: Yeah, yeah, i mean,
that's the whole deal with the

Paradox clones, right, is they
had to play the game to create

themselves, to send themselves
to Earth, so they could play the

game? It's kind of just classic
home stuck bullshit, circular

shit, you know.

Moosie: Yeah, so then also,
since the incephalosphere

contains all the game sessions
and the trolls are kids who

played games, played the game
before something Are there. I

don't know if you can answer
this, but are there any other

game sessions that come into
play in the story, or are we

just kind of focused on the kids
and the troll sessions?

Jackie: That would be a spoiler,
ok, like it makes references to

other people having started
right game on Earth.

Moosie: And I remember that part
. I was just wondering are all

the other sessions over And then
these are the only two active

ones, or how do they interact
with each other, since

apparently the reckoning on the
kids session is affecting

something with the trolls

Jackie: Or I will say this
because I think it was supposed

to be clear or like not. Maybe
not clear is a bad word to use,

but I think that carcat did
Sorry, we don't know his name

yet. Cg did say it. It's it's
hard because in the commentary

has he refers to the trolls by
name, so I forget to refer to

them by the letters. But yeah,
cg, shouty McShouty did, did say

that, like I. I think it said
by now that the kid session was

not supposed to interact with
the troll session, but something

happened and it did.

Moosie: OK, I completely missed
that part.

Jackie: It might only been one
or two lines. It becomes way

more clear later on.

Moosie: OK, so then they're
interacting. I'm still just like

I'm just talking through it,
because I'm still trying to make

sense of it, even though I feel
like I have a lot more

information now than before I
mean you do, but like it's also

like more information that leads
to more questions, right, right

, like why? Why is sperm a game?
Why is it? Is it to just get

people from Earth into the
medium? Why does it? Why is it

in a game form? Yeah, is the
alchemy going to matter later?

Because I know they keep making
some stuff but it just kind of

seems like a side thing in a way
. But we spent so much time

learning about the alchemy at
the beginning. And why does Rose

destroy her first gate? It was
just in the recap. It was like

she just felt like it or just
randomly decided to.

Jackie: As far as we know,
that's what it seems like That

does get touched on later.

Moosie: OK, and also, who are
the? what was it? What were they

called? She's talking to gods
of the furthest ring and they

want the genetic code to be
destroyed. Why is she talking?

Yeah, i mean, i know that on
Durs, i know on Durs they can

hear that And that's like
Separate from frost but seeing

dream clouds or like prophetic
clouds. But why is she listening

to a bunch of random gods?

Jackie: She's very goth and
they're basically Cthulhu. Ok, i

mean like that's. That's that's
kind of the explanation at this

point. Is they're the yeah, is

Moosie: they're kind of Cthulhu,
adjacent elder beings And so I

guess a question for later is
since that genetic code created

back, why is the genetic code?
Why should it have been

destroyed, or why should back
not have been created, or yeah,

other things like that. And Well
, you just trust a voice, i

don't know.

Jackie: I don't know, You know
if you were a 13 year old and

Eldritch, being started telling
you what to do. I don't know.

That's. That's kind of the
explanation we have right now.

Moosie: And then something I'm
still confused about from the

beginning of the story was why
did Dave's brother want to fight

him? That's just a Dave's bro
thing, maybe just testing Dave's

strength for the oncoming
quests, or something.

Jackie: Yeah, like you, at this
point of the story you have

questions of how much the
Guardians knew about the game.

Mm hmm, so at this point it is
theorized that they did know and

they each had their own way of
trying to prepare their kids for

the game, right?

Moosie: But then they couldn't
talk to the kids about the game.

Jackie: Yeah, that's just one
theory at this point in the in

the comic.

Moosie: Yeah, and then I did
observe, like just also from the

recap, that John is a bit of
like the odd one out, since the

others have their birthday in
December and he's in April. I

don't know if it also counts as
kind of being the odd one out,

but, like his guardian was
supposed to be the grandmother,

the Nana, but she died, yeah,
died from his meteor. Yeah. So

then like how is the? how did
much did the dad know? versus

like it, you know, to take over
that role or something, because

I don't know how is the family
talking to each other, because

they didn't seem to be talking
to each other during the first


Jackie: Yeah, except for the
little notes left around. Yeah.

Moosie: And who is the pen pal?
and why did they want to create

a robot bunny? Why wouldn't you?

Jackie: want to create a robot
bunny? I don't know. Yeah, all

good questions, i'm not sure if
it was clear, but this was the

robot bunny that was in the box
that Jack Noir opened to kill

the Queen.

Moosie: Yeah, i got that from
the recap. Oh, ok, cool Yeah,

and then some other stuff that
was more clear. The intermission

is from the trolls session when
, kind of when the carapaceans

went off to go do other things,
I guess.

Jackie: Yeah, i think that can
only be clear from the recap. I

don't know how clear that could
have been in the comic yet,

except for at the very end of
the intermission Jack Noir

starts up a screen and you see
car cat CG.

Moosie: I don't know how he kept
it all straight, is my in their


Jackie: Yeah, i don't know. I'm
reading through the form spring,

which I am a bit behind on for
this episode, because there's

just there's just a lot of
information And, yeah, i don't

know. Some of it is like they
had ideas that they meant to

implement sooner and then other
shit just got in the way, so it

just ended up being like a while
later That stuff that they had

planned got implemented. So that
might be part of it, but yeah,

i don't know, because there is
certainly just a lot.

Moosie: Yeah, i know it's.
There's not really a good way

for me to know the thought
process of how it was all

designed and worked out,
especially this far after the

fact, but I think that would be
really interesting to like. I

wish there was a behind the
scenes documentary.

Jackie: Yeah the most we got is
we have the commentary, we have

the news posts and we have the
form spring And it's just you

have to dig through a lot of
bullshit to like figure things

out. Like I sent you one form
spring question that was asking

how far the trolls were planned
And it's like the trolls didn't

come together until Hussie
realized that they were making a

pattern with the initials of
the kids. Chum handles for DNA

codes. And then that turned into
12 trolls, and then that turned

into you know, zodiac stuff.

Moosie: Yeah, I wonder if
Homestuck would have been as

popular without the trolls.
Really hard to say.

Jackie: The trolls definitely
drew a lot of people. It was a

common refrain back in the day
to just skip to act five.

Spoiler alert Act five just
about the trolls, at least act

five. Act one Okay, it's not a
huge spoiler because you'll find

that out as soon as we click on
the next page. Yeah, right,

yeah, act five entirely about
the trolls.

Moosie: That will be interesting

Jackie: You'll. you're like,
okay. well, I still have a lot

of questions about how SBIRB
works and like how all the

guardians and stuff happened,
But now we're going to have

troll society questions, Oh good

Moosie: We get to learn about a
whole new society.

Jackie: Yeah, And this would be
an interesting point, maybe. See

, i just have such a hard time
deciding when I want us to dig

into Hive Swap and Hive Swap
Friendsim because, like, that's

just a whole other endeavor.
Right Is playing through all the

games. Yeah, as we're about to
learn about troll society, hive

Swap Friendsim, especially, digs
way more into it than act five


Moosie: When did the Hive Swap
Friendsim come out, compared to

everything else here?

Jackie: Oh post cannon Okay,
post act seven Yeah, so we could

wait to get to it until after
we're done with Homestuck.

Moosie: I guess if we're going
to be learning about troll

culture, it might be good to
really immerse ourselves in

troll culture.

Jackie: Yeah, And this would be
another good like break, because

you know we're stopping with
the kids stuff and we're getting

into the troll stuff. We're
going to have a bit of a pause

on the current plot happenings

Moosie: I also will note that
apparently we're done with part

one according to the ravename
thumbnail list, because, yes,

now it's part two with Purple
House. I don't know if the house

. Colors mean anything.

Jackie: I'm not sure the house
color means anything, but, like

you know, it is bigger to fit
all the 12 trolls.

Moosie: Oh, i see, Okay, that's
why it looks like that.

Jackie: Yup, yeah, part two is
just act five, i think.

Moosie: Yeah, That's what it
says Act one, act five, act one,

act five, act two and then act
five, And then part three is act

six, act one through act six,
act five, and then part four is

what leads up to act six, six,
six and seven.

Jackie: Yeah, stuff starts
getting real dumb as far as

structure goes.

Moosie: I know I've said this
before on the previous episodes

and stuff, but I just really
wish that either if the forums

were still around or just I kind
of wish I was there when it was

new being dropped so that as we
read through this, maybe, like

you know, you're kind of giving
me answers for, and

clarification of certain things
happening. but it would have

been cool to just talk with
people in the forums and be like

what do you think this is? What
do you think that is? Yeah, i

missed out on the thing.

Jackie: Yeah, it's hard,
especially since, like fandom

discussion in like heavily
influenced the comic, like I'll

tell you this when it comes out
because we'll get to an act five

. But like one character, just
like holy, like their whole,

like plot is around a fandom
assumption, like was affected by

a fandom assumption and just
completely affected that. And

it's wild how much the fandom
changed a home stuck as it was,

like happening, it's not changed
, but like influenced.

Moosie: Yeah, But even then I
just want to be like I need

someone who's. I guess I could
try to talk to my random. Esther

chum friend and be like what
page are you at now? Let's

discuss it. You didn't find any
spoilers, right? Don't tell me

any spoilers. It's very hard,
Because I certainly cannot look

up anything homestuck at this

Jackie: Absolutely not. I'm sure
half the spoilers would mean

absolutely nothing to you, but
they would be spoilers.

Moosie: Unless, maybe I do a
YouTube search for the specific

year before Be like only these
videos that are 13 years old.

Jackie: Right. So what do you
think about the reveal that the

characters were like Dave, dave
and Rose and Jade and John are

like ectobiologically related?

Moosie: I was just like uh-huh,
cool. Ok, so we have the

Guardians And they were created
in the lab. They didn't

pre-exist. I don't know, but
time loop thing makes it.

Jackie: Yeah, it's a circular
thing of they exist, because

John grabbed their genetic
material to make sure they


Moosie: Yeah, and then again, i
didn't remember reading any sort

of thought process from John
while he was doing that.

Jackie: Like why did?

Moosie: you just like, let's
make some babies with combining

each of these two people or four
people together.

Jackie: Yeah, so I think what
happens. I think the canonical

thought process is things
happened, button glowed. John

pressed button, then after a
while Kat sat on button and made

things happen.

Moosie: Yeah, it just feels so
incidental in a way.

Jackie: Yeah, I mean yeah, there
was nothing purposeful about it

happening besides the fact that
it needed to happen for John to

exist in that moment.

Moosie: He just kind of like Mr
Magood, his way into creating

himself. Basically, yes.

Jackie: Yeah.

Moosie: I want to learn more
about the Guardians now. Yeah,

because at first I didn't
realize they would be important

in any way to the story. They're
just kind of there in the

background. But now I'm like I
hope we get to learn more about

the journeys of the Guardians or
something. Yeah absolutely.

Jackie: They're running around
kicking ass and leaving random

objects for babies to find.

Moosie: I'm curious about this
rabbit. Yeah, seems like an

important rabbit. I'm assuming
Robo Bunny and Patrick Bunny and

Soiled Bunny are all the same
bunny. Yeah, just different

timelines of bunny. It's like,
why is the bunny important?

Jackie: It is. It is real funny
that bunny do get around.

Moosie: I'd like to see some
more salamanders. Yeah, do we

get to see more salamanders?

Jackie: Yeah, we get to see more
salamanders, specifically the

salamanders. What about the
other planets? also have their

own little guys.

Moosie: I don't. Did we see

Jackie: little guys. You know
what I'm not sure we did. We end

up seeing this is not really a
spoiler, but we do end up seeing

more on Dave's. They each are
supposed to have their own

little guys. OK, we just explore
a lot more as John in this act.

I really only remember the
salamanders. We might have only

seen the salamanders by now.

Moosie: Well cool, Everyone gets
their own little virtual pet to

have in their game world.

Jackie: It's like pets, but also
people who have a society but

also not. Their sentience is
depending on the joke at the

moment. Right.

Moosie: So then do we also get
to meet the trolls, planets,


Jackie: We'll certainly see in
the next act, ok.

Moosie: Yeah, just thinking
about, i know each session is

somewhat different and unique,
with the same template,

basically Based on what was
prototyped in the Colonel's

sprites before, when they were
on Earth. I don't know if the

animals are different or the
world types are different. Like

the, was it land of wind and

Jackie: Yeah, land of wind and
shade, land of heat and

clockwork, land of what is roses
land, land of rain and

something I think.

Moosie: so I have it written
down somewhere in here, but

maybe not right where I want it
to be. So then, are those unique

to the kids? Did the 12 trolls
have their own L? O consonant, a

consonant world?

Jackie: We'll see right.

Moosie: After. It's like this.
It feels like it's going to be

so far from now, but I want to
check out some fan games and

stuff also once we're done with
home. Stuck in past episodes,

I've asked about other homestuck
style comics and stuff And, oh

yeah, I don't remember if it was
Gio or Bambosh from the

previous one that they suggested
reading Ocean Falls. I might

look at that too, because it
looks like the same kind of

format. It has the little arrow
thing and it asks for the

character's name and there's
animations and stuff. So I'll be

interested in finding like a
directory of?

Jackie: Oh, yeah, that's. I can
send you the link. It's mspafcom

. I think I'm wrong. Oh, mspfa,
i got the letters wrong. Offline

for maintenance. Oh, but this
is where everything is. There's

one that I really like that
actually centers around a

character that you just just
just just found, dave Sprite.

There's a AU that focuses on
Dave Sprite. That just finished

and I need to finish it, but
it's currently offline for

maintenance, not now.

Moosie: Yeah, i wonder how long
it's been offline, because if it

doesn't have dates on this,
then it makes me nervous.

Jackie: That's fair. It's
usually up, so I don't.

Moosie: Hopefully it is not down

Jackie: Yeah, let me see. Oh, no
way I would have. There is no

way it could be down permanently
, like yeah, I mean the site is


Moosie: It's just that it's very
minimal at the moment.

Jackie: I feel like I would have
heard riots in the street by

now. Yeah, oh no, it has been
down for a while. Yeah, so they

have a Twitter account. So we're
having issues. Right now We're

working on getting back online,
but there is a read only mode

for most adventures. You just
have to know what the adventure

idea is, which you can probably.
So it's not as good right now,

but yeah, it has been down. Oh,
that's right. The Discord server

have been compromised. Maybe
that has something to do with

the actual server. They're
having issues, but yeah, it's

been since February 3rd. Dang, i
hope that gets fixed soon.

Moosie: Stop compromising fan
webpages. Don't do that. Go

attack the bigger companies and

Jackie: For real. Yeah, it
should hopefully get back online

. I it's worrying that it's been
down for so long, but like this

has been like a pretty big
constant in that fandom for a

while, so I don't see it like
going down permanently anytime

soon, you know.

Moosie: Yeah, i guess we'll see.
Yeah, maybe worse comes to

worse. I can be like what are
your server issues? Can I fix it

? Yeah right.

Jackie: I think the guy who runs
it mentioned something about

like being like in a cyber
security type career. I don't

know nerds reading home stuff.
Yeah, it's like you got the home

stuff, cybersecurity, people,
and you got the furries. There's

the two ends of the spectrum.
Sometimes they overlap quite

frequently. They overlap quite
frequently, they overlap. Yeah,

i'm so sad it's down, because
it's it's. that is not something

that's that's. that's really
happened a lot, but that that is

the home where everyone puts
their, their fan adventures.

Moosie: for the most part,
That's cool, though at least I

mean that's another. I just want
to explore more of just stuff

that everybody has made around
home, stuff, But I don't want to

do that searching until later.

Jackie: For sure. And there's
plenty of comics where they just

like make their own thing Right
, like it's their own version of

Esper that may have like look
very little like actual Esper

and stuff There's yeah there's
some that they use. There's some

that's just completely
different, like there's like a

Kesha stuck. I I'm not as into
that side of it, but there's

there's a lot of classics on

Moosie: I did watch a YouTube
video once about like the AUs

based on undertale and like just
that rabbit hole.

Jackie: Yeah, that's fair. And
since a lot of undertale people

came from, homestuck, same deal.

Moosie: Yeah.

Jackie: Like we've been talking
about a lot of bullshit for a

bit, but that's what happens.
It's just because there's so

much, and again it's just like a
lot of a lot of questions. We

got mom and dad romantically
together after 13 years of not

seeing each other and only
seeing each other once. Romance

for the ages. We see Dave's bro
fighting Jack Noir.

Moosie: And also destroyed a
meteor to save Dave.

Jackie: Yeah, it's a lot of fun,
a lot of flashes with a lot of

heavy information, and I don't
know this is the part where I'm

just getting more is like oh, i
can't wait till we see this one

next, next time, can't wait till
we see we, we go to act five

and start seeing more about the
trolls. I know you're waiting

for a hook Any any of theming to
like really hook you, anything

hook you. Yet Are you still

Moosie: So at the moment I'm
still. I'm like this is a very

interesting piece of multimedia
content and the world building

is impressive, but I still feel
like the pacing sucks.

Jackie: That's fair. Just
imagine if you had it live

instead of being able to sit
down and consume it as you

wanted. True, You know people.
Are you aware of Dracula daily?

that happened last year. No, I
don't know what that is That is.

So someone made up a sub stack
where they sent out emails,

because you know Dracula is made
up of letters, right? So they

sent out the, the letters on the
day that it was sent in the


Moosie: Wait, what are we
talking about with a Dracula

like the vampire, like the book,
like the book Dracula, yeah.

Jackie: OK, yeah, yeah, so
someone like sent out like each

chapter to people, since it's,
like you know, free, okay.

Moosie: So since it was like
based like a correspondence

looking type of book, like
letters as the format type of

thing, i thought I was thinking
like alphabet. I was like

Dracula is made up of letters,
yes, no, like like it's a mail

back and forth.

Jackie: Yes, okay, so it was
sent the days the letters were


Moosie: So I want a homestack,
that's just.

Jackie: it spans seven years of
you only get updates whenever

Hussie updated it. So some days
you're getting like 30 pages of

updates and then you got to wait
six months so you can really

experience how it was meant to.
That would be funny.

Moosie: Just add that as a mod
to the unofficial reader Yeah,

so I'm going to add that as a
mod to the official reader.

Jackie: Yeah, Sorry, you're
locked out of this until August.

God. I was looking at the form
spring and someone asked if

Hussie knew when this was going
to end, because the last one

problem sleuth lasted one entire
year, like just one year, and

so this is now past one year. So
I was like, hey, do you know

when this is going to end? And
they were like, uh, i don't know

. Maybe, like I've been thinking
about maybe August 26, 2010.

And I was like, no, that doesn't
happen. I'm telling you it

doesn't happen. Yeah.

Moosie: And at that point, how
much did they have planned

versus Yeah, because apparently
it did balloon out of control,


Jackie: Yeah, like if it act,
for they thought that they were

going to end because this was
asked in like April or May And

it's like they thought they'd
have it before the end of the

year. Mm, hmm, extremely funny.
Yeah, yeah, cool. I'm excited

for act five. I was very happy
again. The ending always gets me

here, always gets me, but act
five is going to be fun. You get

introduced to so many new
characters. I can talk to you

about so much more. You will
understand so much of the core

of home stock in act five.
Extremely exciting. I am looking

forward to it. Yeah, because
because you, you already have

heard the name, friska, mm hmm,
Yeah, extremely exciting. But

yeah, anyway, i guess that's it
for now. We'll go ahead and wrap

up here. See you guys in two
weeks, whether that's with. I've

been trying to interrupt each
episode with like a fan stack

episode that I have recorded, so
we'll see if that still ends up

being a thing. Yeah, so I'll
see you guys in two weeks and

we'll be back then or a little
bit later with act five. Yay.

Moosie: Bye, bye.

Creators and Guests

Podcast editor, composer, designated ttrpg DM
Moosestuck Act 4 Part 2: Back from the Future
Broadcast by