The Doomed Timelines: Here Comes The First Step, Act 1 Act 2
Download MP3Speaker 1: Hi everyone. This is
Dami the editor. Now, this
week's episode is going to be
just a little bit different than
normal. If you've been with the
show for a while, you might
remember the pilot of another
podcast, the Doomed Timelines,
appearing on this feed. The
Doomed Timelines was a show that
me and Jacks made with the goal
of taking Homestuck fan fiction
and adapting it to a podcast
format with voice actors help
along the way to bring each
story to life. The hope was to
make Homestuck fan fiction even
more accessible than it already
is and to provide a
low-commitment entry point for
voice actors just getting
started in the fandom. I believe
we were successful in those
goals, although unfortunately
the Doomed Timelines is no
longer available in your regular
podcasting app. So for archival
purposes, we've decided to
bring each episode of the Doomed
Timelines to the Live Laugh
Stuck feed. I hope you have as
much fun listening to them as we
did making them. In the process
of re-listening to them, I've
grown rather nostalgic for that
time, and there is a possibility
that once all the old episodes
are uploaded, we'll decide to
continue the show in some
capacity. We're doing our best
to make sure that all the voice
actors credited for each episode
have the appropriate links to
each of their socials in the
description. It's possible that
the old episodes' outro may not
perfectly match their new social
media. If you wish to find any
of the actors in this episode, I
encourage you to take a look at
the description and if you are
an actor who has been
miscredited, please let us know
so that we can fix it, and I
believe that might be it. In
that case, without further ado,
I give you the Doomed Timelines.
Part 2 of In Our Days we Will
Live Like Our Ghosts Will Live.
Act 1 of here Comes the First
Step by Fine Specimen, retrieved
Speaker 3: The autumn breeze
soon made way to a winter chill
as you settled down in your
apartment, leaving the town
blanketed by a thin layer of
snow by late November. Time had
passed by surprisingly quickly
since you moved in, but shortly
after your conversation with
Dave, you finally gave yourself
the kick you needed to start
writing about the game, about
her, because this way it would
become impossible for you to
forget everything, for you to
move on and pretend that it
never happened. You could reach
some closure, some comfort,
through the knowledge that, once
it was published, you wouldn't
be the only one who knew the
story. It didn't matter that no
one would know it was true. It
didn't matter if it never became
overwhelmingly popular, because
someone, somewhere, would read
it and they would remember it as
well. Your story, or very
existence, would never be left
behind and forgotten. So you
wrote all the notes and research
you had done. All the
information and memories you had
collected were absolute
lifesavers in developing and
explaining everything. So the
readers would be able to
understand the concepts and
ideas of Spurb Soon enough it
became clear that there was no
way it could all be put in a
single novel. Too much had
happened at the same time to
different people throughout the
entire game. The first draft
that you had written was already
500 pages long and it barely
covered the most important
aspects, and that had brought
about another problem. Did you
write in your perspective or did
you give each of your friends a
perspective as well? In that
case, would you need to ask them
for permission? After two days
of deliberation, you decided to
stick to your perspective, only
just to cut down on the
inevitable, ridiculous length
your work would be. You wrote
every day, all day, occasionally
leaving the apartment to get
some groceries and fresh air,
but most of your time was spent
inside your home. And then you
reached the meteor and you
stalled. No matter what you
tried to write to detail, it
just came out wrong. It was easy
enough to humorously point out
Dave and Carcad's love six
shenanigans to explain the
ridiculous bond between Vrisca
and Terezi. Even Gamze was
easier to talk about, but Kanaya
, your relationship with her.
Normally you could wax poetic
about Kanaya, about your wife,
for pages, but the moment you
put your fingers to the keyboard
you froze up. Every time you
attempted to describe it, all
motivation, all ideas fell out
of your mind and you were forced
to stare blankly at the abrupt
end of a paragraph, fear and
disgust swirling in your chest,
because the part of you wondered
if you were already too late,
if you'd already begun to forget
. After four days of agonizing,
of staying inside and getting
nowhere, you knew you had to get
out of the apartment and get
something. You just had to get
away from it, from the
everlooming possibility and
fears, from the blinking
evidence in front of your eyes
that you bundled yourself up and
slammed the door shut as you
left. There was a little park
nearby that you could wander
around. Somewhere you could get
some fresh air and try to relax.
It was late afternoon when you
stepped out, the sun already
setting in the distance, the
golden glow of the light making
the snow glitter brilliantly.
You could already feel your body
relaxing. Despite the small
nagging thoughts that continued
to swim up to the front of your
mind. It was quiet in the park,
with only a few people wandering
around. The playground, however
, was completely packed and you
smiled fondly at the children's
laughter echoing through the
area. You stood there for a
while watching them lob
snowballs at each other, at the
sculptures and snowmen they
built, and the nostalgia for the
children you and her had raised
suddenly smacked you in the
face. They were so precious to
you, so utterly beautiful and
special, even if you only looked
after them for short periods of
time. And yet you lost them as
well. They were the joys of your
life, and they were gone, like
everything else you had helped
dear. You forced yourself to
move away, to continue onwards,
your good mood soured through
grief and longing After walking
as far away as possible without
leaving the park. You let
yourself sit down on an empty,
if snow-covered, bench. The sky
had grown darker and slowly it
begun to snow. It was incredibly
cliche, and yet you didn't mind
. The park had become quiet,
almost frozen in time, the only
signs of movement being the
falling snow, the only sound,
the sway of trees. And then your
phone rang, dragging you out of
your stupor, shattering the
momentary stillness you had been
caught up in. You fumbled with
your phone, glancing at the
screen to see it was Dave, and,
slightly annoyed, you answered
the call.
Speaker 4: Dave, this better be
Holy fucking shit.
Speaker 1: You won't fucking
believe it. It's him, Rose.
Jesus Christ, I fucking found
him. I found him.
Speaker 3: He blurted out words
smearing together. But you, your
heart began to beat rapidly.
Speaker 1: What I-I took your
advice even though I really
didn't want to, but I thought,
hey, if the fucking seer is
suggesting I do something, then
I probably should do it. And oh
my god, rose, you were so
fucking right. I just sent a
message to the dude asking him
if he'd like to meet up sometime
over at coffee and just discuss
the comic, like civil adults
and shit. But he fucking agreed.
So we decided to meet at this
coffee shop tonight and I rock
up and he's already there like a
nerd, but he looks slightly
familiar. And then, fuck Rose,
he just looks at me and freezes
before saying Dave, really
quietly and it fucking hits me,
You-you found Karkin you asked
softly, hope and jealousies
swelling in your chest. Yes, yes
holy shit, of course that
ridiculous critic would be him.
Who the fuck else types like
that? That stupid gorgeous?
Speaker 3: dumbass and you
couldn't help but stand up,
phone clutched desperately to
your ear as you heard your
brother practically sob and joy
on the other end. Tears sprung
to your eyes and you were so
happy, so goddamn happy for him,
that you had-you had to know.
Speaker 4: Does he know Kanaya
Is-is Kanaya.
Speaker 3: You interrupted and
whatever he was saying cut off.
Suddenly he was silent. Your
heart sank, even as you begged
prayed for the gods that didn't
exist. Please, please, please.
Speaker 1: I'm so sorry, Rose.
Speaker 3: You whispered
hesitantly and you fell back to
the bench. A scream tangled in
your throat.
Speaker 1: He said, the only
others he knows are Nepeta and
Equius, and that's because
Nepeta is a stepsister, while
Equius is the son of the guy who
arrested his father at a
protest. Apparently the two of
them moved off into some small
town, so he hasn't really spoken
with them either.
Speaker 3: The memory of the
woman and a man in the fast food
restaurant from a month or so
ago popped up in your mind, but
you couldn't say anything in
response, too busy trying to
wrench the psalms that wanted to
escape your lips back down.
Speaker 4: I see.
Speaker 3: You finally croaked
out after a while, wiping away
the tears that were under fall.
Speaker 4: I see, tell him I
said hello, yes, and bring him
here at some point. It would be
lovely to see him again. It's
quite late, however, and I need
to start making dinner. I'm very
, very happy for you, dave. Good
night, rose.
Speaker 3: You hung up and
buried your face into your hands
. You felt your phone vibrate
again, but you ignored it. You
could ever go fucking right for
you, could it? The only chance
for hope? The only chance I know
I knew anything. No one ever
knew anything. Because while it
did mean that there was some
possibility, who knew where she
was? She might not even have
lived in the same fucking
continent. Put out a shattering
breath, trying to push down the
urge to scream and wail. You let
yourself sit in the freezing
silence for a while, uncaring of
getting cold or sick or
whatever the hell else. What did
it even matter? You could sit
here and let the cold take you
and everything would be fine.
Dave had Carcat back, john and
Jade were happy by themselves.
Your mom your phone vibrated
again and you glared down at it,
only to soften at the sight of
your mother's number. You picked
Speaker 4: Hello Mother.
Speaker 5: Rosie, are you doing
okay? Sweetheart, davey called
me and said you might be feeling
a bit down. I'm here to talk if
you need me, or do you need to
talk to Dr Hilger? Otherwise,
you could tell me how that book
of yours is coming along.
Speaker 4: I'm alright, mom. I'm
just a bit shaken. Dave told me
something that surprised me,
that's all. And no, I don't need
to talk to Dr Hilger. I'm doing
well. As for my book, it's
coming along quite well. I've
already got the first part
finished. I might as well send
it off to my publisher later in
the week, but at this rate the
story will be several novels
Speaker 3: Talking with your
mother was always pleasant. Now
that you understood that she had
an honest interest in you and
your hobbies and passions, you
tried to be as open as possible
with her. She cheered you on
throughout your life. She was
your biggest fan with your
novels, even when the shock and
disbelief of your situation had
once driven you to ignore her.
And despite that she held no
resentment, only love for you,
and in return you loved her
justice dearly, but not as
dearly as you'd grown up without
her before you could. If it
never mind, it didn't matter,
not anymore at least.
Speaker 5: Oh shit, I mean
goodness, I'm looking forward to
reading all of them. Diestrite,
I mean your father, brother I
honestly have no clue what he
calls himself nowadays with the
two of you, but never mind, I
thought you would like to know.
He's very excited for it as well
. Oh, speaking of the whole
family, we wanted to know if you
were going to come over for
Speaker 4: Probably I've been
missing, you, all of you, even
Speaker 3: Calling Diestrite her
father to his face was still
one of the most hilarious things
in the world, no matter what
anyone else said, his grimace
and general discomfort at it
would never stop being amusing,
and apparently your mother
thought so as well, as she
giggled slightly.
Speaker 5: He shouldn't be so
hard on the guy. He's been a
pretty good dad to both you and
Davy, despite his weird aversion
to being called that. But we've
been missing you too, sweetie,
even your father, though he
doesn't say so. And please come
for Christmas. We're inviting
Jakey and Janie and their
families, so you'll get to see
your friends. Oh, little Jade
looks so much like her father at
Suncanny. Judy was such a goofy
Speaker 3: She trailed off, her
tone changing into one of
sadness, and you decided to
change the subject. You knew she
had been close to Jade's father
and his sister, julie Joey Joey
. Despite knowing them during
her drinking period, she had
once told you that they were the
only things that made her get
up in the mornings and try to
cut down on the amount of
alcohol she consumed.
Speaker 4: You've convinced me,
mother, I'll come for Christmas.
Speaker 5: That's wonderful,
Rosie. We'll be looking forward
to seeing you then.
Speaker 4: I'm looking forward
to going. Anyway, I should start
going. I'm outside and it's
quite cold.
Speaker 5: Oh yes, Get inside,
sweetheart. It's quite cold over
there, isn't it? Bundle up and
stay warm. Oh and Rosie, I love
you, baby, and I'm so happy
you're going to come for
Speaker 3: You smiled.
Speaker 4: I love you too, mom.
I'll see you at Christmas.
Speaker 3: Bye-bye, sighing, you
put your phone on silent and
slipped it back in your pocket
before forcing yourself to stand
up. I'll brush off the snow,
and I said, gathered on you, and
start the trek back into town.
Despite your determination
before to sit and so, again, not
feel cold, your body had very
different ideas. Shortly after
leaving the park, you felt your
teeth chatter, limbs shivering,
as they seemed to seep into your
very veins. You're an
overdramatic idiot. Soon enough,
however, the cold became too
much and you knew you had to
duck into a shop and warm up.
Somehow, there was a tug in your
chest pulling you towards a
store. At that point you didn't
care where it wanted to take you
, you just wanted to get warm.
Without looking, you shoved open
a door with trembling arms to a
shop, the faint jingle of a
bell announcing your arrival,
before being promptly
overwhelmed by warmth and the
smell of flowers, you closed
your eyes and bliss "'We're
about to close, but I'll be with
you in a moment' a sweet voice
called out from the back and
your chest ached at the sound of
it. but you were too busy
basking in the heat. You'd be
mortified at the sod and mess
you were making in the floor
later, but for now you were
solely focused on the pleasant
smell and warmth in the shop.
You heard the sound of someone
getting closer, but you refused
to open your eyes, not yet. The
smell was so, so familiar. You
could just pretend for a little
bit that you were back home,
that the person approaching you
was— "'I'm sorry to keep you
Speaker 6: Can I help'.
Speaker 3: You cut off with a
gasp and you cracked open an eye
. A woman stood in front of you.
She was beautiful, stunning,
incredible. Her hair was short,
hanging just above her shoulders
, her eyes gleaming, a brilliant
jade. Her mouth hung open and
then your eyes caught on her
apron, On the name tag "'Rose'
she whispered out and you wanted
to whimper In large, looping
letters "'Kaniah' you breathed
out and she let out a pained sob
before spritting towards you.
You turned your arms, laughing
and crying in equal measure, as
she buried her face in your neck
and wept. Even though you both
sank to the floor, you didn't
care that you were wet and soggy
and cold. She was warm, so, so
warm, and the tears continued to
spill over you as you cupped
her face and pulled her close,
kissing her desperately, just to
make sure, just in case. But
she kissed you back with as much
fervor, tasting of tears and
joy at home, smearing her
lipstick, and you couldn't help
but giggle. She began to laugh
as well and the sound echoed in
the shop like bells. And you had
to kiss her again because, fuck
, she was finally here. She was
here, she was here "'I love you'
you mumbled and she smiled
adorably "'And are you'. she
pressed another kiss to your
lips and you held her tighter,
not daring to let her go. But
she was warm and solid, so
gloriously alive and existing.
And you kissed her deeply again,
heart aching as you traced the
unfamiliar, familiar shape of
her face, her body, her
everything. You gasped words of
love and pain and longing into
her skin and the tears fell even
faster as the joy slowly ebbed
away and the desperate grief
latched on "'I missed you'.
Speaker 6: "'i missed you. Where
were you'?
Speaker 3: "'I love you'. You
both repeated like a prayer,
grasping onto each other like a
lifeline, reassuring each other
that the other was real, that
neither of you would go anywhere
. You didn't know how long the
two of you sat on the sodden
floor, but neither of you cared
too, entranced by the presence
of the other. Can I as sniffed
softly before letting out a
watery laugh.
Speaker 6: We should get up and
move upstairs. I need to close
the store quickly and then we
can continue this in private'
you nodded gently and slowly
rose, helping her to her feet.
Speaker 3: She was still
slightly taller than you and it
made you bark out another laugh.
She leaned forward and pressed
a kiss to your forehead "'We
must both look terrible' you
whispered. Eyeing the smeared
lipstick and mascara mixed tears
on her face and she laughed
loudly "'We can clean up
Speaker 6: I live above the shop
and have a bath we can use'.
Speaker 3: She hurried over the
entrance of the store, locking
the door and flipping a sign,
before grabbing your hand and
pulling you with her. Neither of
you let the other out of each
other's sight for more than five
seconds, but even then the
weight was filled with a growing
sense of panic and dread.
Unable to be out of contact, you
had both bathed together,
washing each other gently,
lovingly noting the changes to
one another. Can I gave you a
pair of her pajamas to wear
after you had both gotten clean,
putting your own sodden and
dirty clothes into her washing
machine. And once you were both
dressed, she pulled you into her
bed and held you close, simply
enjoying the peaceful quiet and
comfort between one another. But
both of you knew you would have
to talk about what had happened
, what had changed, what was
different. One glaring
difference, after all, was the
fact that Kanaya was human, and
yet she was still the most
beautiful person you had ever
seen "'What happened when you
woke up'. You asked hesitantly
and she breathed in deeply "'I
was confused and scared.
Speaker 6: Everything was
different, unfamiliar, and I was
human. I almost screamed when I
looked in the mirror and saw
soft brown skin instead of the
tone I was used to and the lack
of horns. The sudden loss of
senses and, well, anatomy was
also quite shocking. I tried to
message you, but I didn't have a
Pestitum account and Trolean
didn't exist. So I had to make
one, but we didn't have a
computer at home. It took me a
while before I could actually
get access to a computer and
then it said you didn't exist
and I why, rose? What happened?
Why couldn't I reach you'?
Speaker 3: You wanted to laugh
at the fact that the only reason
you two were unable to get in
contact sooner was due to your
impatience. You could have seen
her, could have held her ten
years earlier, but no, you
messed it up completely "'When I
woke up'.
Speaker 4: You began hesitantly
"'I tried to message you A lot,
but the same message kept coming
up and I got angry, so I may
have deleted my account'.
Speaker 3: A hysterical laugh
left her lips, even as tears
began to fill in her eyes and
she reached out to swat your
head "'You idiot, you absolute
Speaker 6: We could have all
this time'.
Speaker 3: She gave your head
another swat before pulling you
even closer and hugging you
tightly "'You fool, but I'd
rather find you ten years later
than ever again'. You were both
silent for another moment before
you asked "'Why a flower shop,
and how did you get?
Speaker 6: it' it was my
mother's before she gave it to
me and left to go travel. I
think she used to be Porum, or
maybe my ancestor from Altonia,
or both, but the fact that her
mother was something I now had
was confusing. But she loves
gardening and I'm quite partial
to it as well, so I gladly took
it over once I turned 23. We are
close, but not very. I don't
think she wanted to be a mother
and I never knew what to expect
from one, so we had more of a
sisterly relationship. Speaking
of siblings, do you is?
Speaker 4: Dave. Dave is fine,
More than fine, actually. You
won't believe who we found this
evening. There was this angry
critic ranting about his
webcomics. And well, guess who
it was? No, Yep, the stupid
moron found Carcat by annoying
him enough to agree to a coffee
Speaker 3: She laughed loudly
again and your heart fluttered
at the sound of it, your hands
reaching up to cup her face. And
just look at her. She was still
gorgeous. She always would be
in your eyes. Her skin was dark
and smooth, her face just as
angular as you remembered, but
it was softer, less sharp than
the bone structure of a troll.
You're beautiful. You whispered
lovingly and you felt heat bloom
in her cheeks.
Speaker 6: So are you.
Speaker 3: She mumbled back and
you leaned forward to kiss her
softly, before pulling back and
hesitating. Her hand reached up
to hold yours and she looked at
you quizzically.
Speaker 4: Marry me.
Speaker 3: You blurted out and
you felt Canaia's hand squeeze
your own. She was beaming, her
cheeks growing wet again and she
nodded desperately.
Speaker 6: Of course, I will, of
course, of course, of course.
You don't even need to ask.
Speaker 3: She laughed and
pressed a kiss to your lips,
smiling the entire time.
Speaker 6: We'll go to the town
hall tomorrow in the morning, if
that's all right.
Speaker 3: You couldn't help the
grin spread on your face either
, a blush heating up your face
as you nodded rapidly.
Speaker 4: Yes, I would. I would
love that.
Speaker 3: You leaned in and
kissed her again, deeply and
lovingly, trying to convey the
full extent of joy and adoration
you felt for her. Judging from
the smile you felt against your
lips, you guessed you'd manage
to do it. In the morning, the
two of you got dressed quickly,
hurrying to get to the town hall
as soon as it opened, you
pulled on your clothes from
yesterday, freshly cleaned and
dried, and Kanaya simply pulled
on a warm dress and tights.
Smiling the entire time as she
applied her makeup, your heart
clenched in joy and you felt
yourself smiling as well. You
both cooked a quick breakfast
together, turning on a playlist
and dancing and humming with
each other, stinking kisses here
and there. When the time to
leave came, you let her down the
stairs, her warm hand gripped
tightly in your arms. On your
way out, she stacked some
flowers to hold in her other
hand, explaining it's my shop.
Speaker 6: I can take what I
need for important occasions.
Speaker 3: You smiled stupidly
at her and lifted her hand to
kiss it, giggling at the blush
that had spread across her face.
The two of you probably looked
ridiculous as you practically
pranced out onto the street,
hands tangled in soft looks of
love being exchanged every step.
It was a fifteen minute walk to
the town hall, and by the time
you arrived you could feel
yourself almost vibrate in
excitement and anticipation. It
didn't matter that you had
married Kanaya before or that
this wedding was going to be
small and less impressive. You
could have another big wedding
later if both of you wanted it,
but for now your only concern
was actually getting that
marriage certificate and being
able to legally call her your
wife again. As it turned out,
requesting a civil marriage
right there and then was pretty
easily granted, since the mayor
of such a small town didn't
really have much else to do at
the moment. By lunchtime, with
the congratulations of the mayor
and the inks still drying on
the certificate, you were
officially married again. And
then you were faced with a
Speaker 4: Should I move in with
Speaker 3: You questioned and
your wife, your wife paused.
Speaker 4: I mean, my apartment
is pretty small compared to
Speaker 6: Are you sure I don't
mind walking, and if you've only
just moved in?
Speaker 3: She offered, but you
shook your head.
Speaker 4: I don't have that
much stuff there anyway, and I
would much rather live above a
beautiful flower shop with my
wife than a cold apartment block
Speaker 3: The smile that spread
across her face when you called
her your wife made you preen
and glee and you leaned forward
to peck her on the mouth.
Speaker 6: Very well then.
Speaker 3: She agreed and you
pulled her in the direction of
your apartment. You honestly
didn't mind moving over your
essentials to her place while
leaving the rest until the lease
ran out. You could always rent
a storage unit and pack away
everything in there, sell it
somewhere online, or ask if Dave
wanted more junk to fill up his
own apartment with. Oh, oh shit
Speaker 4: My family is going to
kill me.
Speaker 3: You muttered as you
fumbled in your pockets for your
phone, pulling it out, you
turned it back on and winced at
the missed messages and calls.
While you didn't doubt your
mother had called Dave back to
reassure him, he had a tendency
of not being absolutely sure
until he heard the other person
tell them it were.
Speaker 1: Hey, mom said she'd
talked to you, but are you okay
now, or, rose? You good, rose,
rose, rose. If you don't answer,
then I'm calling Mom again. Why
aren't you answering? Please
respond, Rose. I'm worried. I'm
driving over there. If you don't
answer me, fuck Please, rose.
I'm going there and I swear to
God, if you've done something
stupid, then I will kill you
Speaker 3: You whispered and
Kanaya placed a hand on your
Speaker 6: Is everything all
right, my love.
Speaker 3: Your heart clenched
at the term of endearment,
despite the guilt you felt at
worrying your brother, and you
gave a wobbly smile to her.
Speaker 4: I may have really
worried Dave and made him think
I've done something stupid. I'm
going to call him quickly and
let him know everything is fine.
Speaker 3: You quickly dialed
his number, but it went straight
to voicemail. He was probably
completely focused on driving.
The last text had been sent
early in the morning, so he
would probably arrive late in
the evening.
Speaker 4: Well, we may be
having guests dear. I should
probably call my mother now.
Speaker 3: however, A quick look
at the text sent from your mom
had you wincing as they
gradually became more and more
frantic over time. You
immediately called her grimacing
as she picked up on the first
Speaker 5: Rosie, please, rosie,
is that you? Hello Mom, oh,
thank you God. Oh, my God, fuck
Rosie. You had us all so worried
, are you all right? Why weren't
you responding? Where are you?
Speaker 3: Your mother's voice
sounded thick, like she'd been
crying when you bit your lip. It
hadn't meant to worry her.
Speaker 4: Mom, mom, I'm fine, I
just had my phone switched off,
that's all I. I met someone and
we were talking what I also may
have married her, what I'll
bring her over for Christmas. I
think you'll love her, I
certainly do, and you.
Speaker 5: Let us all worry
ourselves sick, thinking the
worst had happened Because you
got married.
Speaker 3: She said quietly, and
the guilt threatened to choke
Speaker 4: I know it sounds bad,
but trust me, mom, I've met her
several times before, we've
been together for years and we
decided to get married this
morning. And please, mom, I love
her so much and I apologize for
worrying you. That was not my
intention, but you guys have to
stop thinking I've relapsed the
moment I go off the grid for
more than three hours.
Speaker 2: Rose, what's this
about you getting married?
Speaker 3: A deep voice asked
and, oh boy, it looked like the
whole family was there.
Speaker 2: Hello Father. Don't
hello Father me. What the hell
was your mother talking about?
Speaker 4: I met a girl a few
years ago and we've been dating
for a while. We decided to get
married. The ceremony was ten
minutes ago.
Speaker 3: Your father was
silent on the other end and you
wondered if you had somehow
managed to screw up every single
one of your family
relationships in one night.
Speaker 2: Do you love her? Does
she love you?
Speaker 3: You finally asked and
you wanted to cry in relief.
Speaker 4: Yes, yes, absolutely
Listen. I'm so sorry for
worrying you and Mom and Dave,
but I'm fine, more than fine
Speaker 2: Alright, I'll try and
calm your mother down. We'll
see you for Christmas. Bring
your wife along.
Speaker 3: Your father was ever
a man. A few words, quick and
straight to the point.
Speaker 4: I will.
Speaker 2: I love you, Rose. I
know I don't really say it, but
I do. So does your mom and your
brother. You really gave all of
us a scare last night. Look
after yourself.
Speaker 4: I will. I love you
too and tell Mom I'm sorry. Bye,
Speaker 3: You hung up and
sighed as you put your phone
Speaker 6: Your mother is. Well
then, and do you have a father?
Speaker 3: Can I ask tentatively
, and you nodded.
Speaker 4: Yes, my mother is
thankfully alive, although I do
now seem to have a father. You
remember Dirk and Roxy, right? I
think our other guardians
became fused or mixed with their
personalities, creating our
current parents. In any case, I
now have a full set of worried
parents and a concerned brother
making his way here. We may have
to stick around in my apartment
for a little bit so that he
doesn't start losing his head
when I'm not there.
Speaker 3: You leaned against
her and she pushed back,
pressing a kiss to your head.
Speaker 6: That's fine, we can
start packing up your things as
we wait for him to arrive.
Speaker 3: She reassured you and
you smiled gently.
Speaker 4: Thank you, Canaya.
I'm sorry to have brought you
into this family mess.
Speaker 3: She chuckled and
kissed you properly on the lips.
Speaker 6: It's fine. I wouldn't
have it any other way, love.
Speaker 3: You both made your
way to your apartment relatively
quickly and managed to fill out
most of your time packing
things into boxes, talking to
each other and just generally
fooling around. Towards the
evening, however, your doorbell
rang incessantly and you knew
Dave had arrived. You bust him
in. Even through your door you
could hear the rapid footsteps
of someone sprinting up the
stairs, but curiously enough you
could glean a second pair of
footsteps right behind them. You
already had the door open by
the time. Dave made his way up
to your floor and you looked at
his panting form.
Speaker 4: If I had known you
were so desperate to see me, I
would have invited you sooner.
Speaker 1: You fucking asshole.
Speaker 3: He wheezed out before
stumbling over to you and
dragging you into a hug.
Speaker 1: I was so worried and
here you are standing around
with a fucking cup of tea.
Speaker 4: I'm sorry to have
worried you, Dave, but I
switched off my phone until this
morning. I was otherwise
occupied. I have grown woman,
David. I can handle myself
perfectly fine.
Speaker 3: You muttered into his
shoulder, but he held you
Speaker 7: You are an absolute
shit-swallowing asshole Strider.
Speaker 3: A gravelly voice
behind your brother complained,
and you couldn't stop the grin
overtaking your face. You pulled
away from the tight hug your
brother had encased you in and
stared at the man standing
impatiently behind him.
Speaker 7: Hey Rose, I see that
you're looking absolutely fine,
just like I told this fucking
moron. But no, he had to come
make sure, add one in the
fucking morning. And yet you
came along.
Speaker 3: You pointed out and
he blushed.
Speaker 7: Yeah well, I wasn't
gonna let him out of my sights.
He probably would have gotten
lost again for another ten
fucking years.
Speaker 4: You have no idea how
good it is to see you, Carcat.
Speaker 3: You stepped forward
and pulled him into a short hug
as well, which he briefly
Speaker 7: Yeah, yeah, yeah,
it's good to see you too.
Speaker 3: Dave was standing
slightly to the side, staring at
Carcat with a dopey expression,
and you rolled her eyes.
Speaker 4: Come on in, then I
have someone I'd like you both
to meet.
Speaker 3: You said ushering
them inside.
Speaker 1: Oh fuck, are you
pregnant? Did you have a kid?
Speaker 6: Why the fuck would
you? Hello, dave, it's good to
see you, chipper, as ever.
Speaker 3: Kanaya chuckled out
warmly and you grinned at the
shocked expression on both Dave
and Carcat's faces.
Speaker 4: You wouldn't believe
who I stumbled into yesterday
Speaker 3: You pulled her close
to you and she kissed your cheek
. Kanaya Carcat whispered
hoarsely and you unwrapped your
arm around her to let her step
forward. She grabbed his hands
with her own, smiled sadly at
him before embracing him. He let
out a choked sob and held her
just tightly, burying his face
in her neck.
Speaker 7: Fuck Jesus. I thought
you were fuck.
Speaker 3: He mumbled out, and
she pressed a light kiss to his
Speaker 6: So did I.
Speaker 3: She whispered back.
Speaker 6: So did I.
Speaker 3: You left the two of
them to their reunion instead.
Speaker 4: turning to Dave, this
is why I wasn't answering. I
found her again.
Speaker 3: You explained quietly
and your brother nodded.
Speaker 4: I'm sorry to have
worried you.
Speaker 1: Nah, you were right.
I can't rush down here every
time. You take longer than five
hours to respond. But shit, rose
, you left me on a pretty grim
fucking note. What was I
supposed to think?
Speaker 4: No, I know I should
have said something, I was just
caught up.
Speaker 1: I would have been
caught up with Carcat as well if
he hadn't worried me sick, you
Speaker 3: He grumbled, but he
let you wrap an arm around him.
Speaker 4: Things turned out
pretty good in the end, didn't
they? Yeah?
Speaker 3: The two of you were
silent for a moment before you
Speaker 4: Oh, that's right,
Dave. I married Kanaya this
morning. We're spouses again.
Speaker 3: You said with a smile
on your face Once again, we
beat you and Carcat out.
Hopefully for the last time.
Speaker 1: Don't be too fucking
sure about that.
Speaker 3: He replied with a
smirk, sauntering over and
pulling Carcat into a ridiculous
Speaker 1: Rose Kanaya, meet my
husband Carcat, who I married
yesterday at seven in the
evening, A full twelve hours
before you Suck it bitches, we
Speaker 3: He stuck out his
tongue before pulling away as
Carcat reached out to glober him
Speaker 7: Don't fucking do that
. You asshole, Did you lose all
sense of shame when you woke up?
Oh no wait, you never fucking
had any. You absolute.
Speaker 3: You snorted as you
watched your brother dodge out
of the way of his husband's
angry attempts to whack him.
Settling up to your own wife and
resting your head against hers,
dave, you called out and the
two of them stopped turning to
look at you.
Speaker 4: You may have been
quicker this time, but have you
already told the parents?
Speaker 3: All the color drained
from his face and he mumbled
out a quiet Shit, fuck, shit,
before grabbing his phone
desperately. And you tipped your
head back and laughed loud and
clear and so, so happy. Your
wife laughed with you, with the
two sounds joining together, and
soon your entire apartment was
filled with laughter, apart from
Dave's muttered words into his
phone this was home. This was
home. You were finally home.
Speaker 1: The documentarian of
our story today is Fine Specimen
Retrieved, who you can find at
KitKateMunch on Twitter and as
Fine Specimen Retrieved on A03.
Remember to go drop some kudos
on their fic if you enjoyed
today's show. The narrator of
our story today was Luna Faye
Khaida, who you can find by
messaging them on Discord at
ALunarDragon hashtag 6969. The
voice of Dave Strider, as well
as editor and composer for the
show, is Dommie, who you can
find on Twitter, tumblr and
SoundCloud as Dominum Thief. The
voice of Rose Lalonde was Jax,
who you can find on Twitter at
Dirkification, on Tumblr at
and on Archive of Our Own as
Amberle. Jax also helps out as
the show's producer. The voice
of Mom Lalonde was Kaira, who
you can find at CluckBeast on
Twitter. The voice of Kanaya
Mariam was Articulately Composed
, who you can find on Twitter at
AC Music 27 or on YouTube as
Articulately Composed. The voice
of Bro Strider was Gizma, who
you can find on Tumblr and
Archive of Our Own as Scrapyard
Gizma. The voice of Carcatvantis
was Ego, who you can find on
Twitter, tumblr, instagram and
YouTube as EgoSweet. Art for the
show was drawn by atDJDoodle's
Art on Twitter. You can also
find links to all of our
talented creators in the show's
description. Currently, there is
no way to support the show
financially, but if you'd like
to support anyone, we'd like you
to please direct your love
towards our lovely writers and
actors, without whom the show
could not be possible. If you'd
like to be a part of the show,
you can visit our Twitter at
TDTCast to find out more. There
you can find a link to our
Discord server where you can
come and show off your fix, get
updated when auditions are
needed for new parts, or just
hang out and drop us a line. Our
cast is always rotating and
we'd love to feature as many
voices as possible. Remember to
keep creating friends.