A Homestuck variety podcast! Topics include, but are far from limited to: analyzing gay subtext, reading and reviewing the text, talking about problematic faves, and getting fan creators on to talk about their work! Podcast art is by Kansas aka kansastuck on Twitter! Find me at LiveLaughStuck on Twitter, Tiktok, and Instagram!

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Latest Episodes

Ranking Classes and Aspects with Domi

Domi and I talk about classpects for the first time (for us) and the second time (for you) because what is a Homestuck podcast without some out of order time shenaniga...

Ranking Aspects and Classes with GameBro!

This week we have an extremely special guest! GameBro is here to help us "casuals" get better at Sburb! How cool is that?? I'm so happy my little podcast was able to s...

Ranking Another 100 Homestuck Ships

Due to this week being wild as hell, not only is this episode late, it's also not the one I initially intended to make! Still, it ended up being fun! Some of these shi...

Ranking AO3's top 150 Homestuck Ships (Plus 2 more for fun)

Another tier list! I may have had a little too much fun with this one. I could honestly spend ages filling out spreadsheets and making these ship icons. What are you f...

Ranking Every Homestuck Character

Moosestuck is currently on a break, so in the meantime, Jax rates every Homestuck character!I said I'd have the final list as the episode artwork, but I realized that ...

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